Monday, 11 March 2013

My Best Investment

So encase you haven't noticed its snowing...again!

I have now decided that the British weather is Bi-Polar! That can be the only explanation for the weather mood swings! I swear a few days ago i saw people wearing shorts and now its back to the thick coats, jumpers and boots!

I am so bored of the cold weather now its unreal! i think its time for summer. Although saying this as much as the snow is a complete turn in the wrong direction you cant say that its not pretty. So as much as you want to moan about it at least its nice to look at!

Now onto my main point, a while a go i bought myself a new winter parka coat. Which i love. It was one of those things you suddenly notice and then are not happy until you get yourself one even though the day before you hadn't even thought about them. Unless that's just something only i do, either way it happened.

Only thing about this coat is that its from Topman and it was going to the very cheap price of £100. Much to the disapproval of my parents for spending so much money on a piece of clothing. But i did get student discount off it and i had a £10 voucher so it was only £80 which is a bargain in my eyes. Or that's how i justify it anyway. But of course my parents told me i would only be able to wear it in the winter months and then would't touch it again.

But dear parents who i hope aren't reading this, i have something to say to you. Its snowing... in march! and knowing how the lovely British weather is, it will probably snow again in May, June and i expect July. So this interestingly priced coat has now become an all year round coat. So i consider it to be my best investment and well worth the money.

Now expect lots of pictures of this beautiful investment just so i can show it off.

It also has an awesome pattern

Just a quick extra bit on another investment that has to be the best bargain i have ever found. Some boots from Burton also £100 but reduced to...£15! And they are the warmest things ever. I went out today in the snow and my feet were the warmest part of me! Second to my body under the coat of course.

Sorry for getting picture happy but blame my housemate for taking too many truly attractive pictures of me... as you can see.

Hope you enjoyed reading


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